The Oneness of Us, A Creation of Dreams

There once was a dream so powerful, so perfect, that it induced its magical spell upon two unsuspecting dreamers at once. Its powerful magic cast a blinding spell simultaneously on the two dreamers on different sides of the world. The magical spell was a ‘universal secret’ kept by the Master of Dreams until the ideal ‘Ones’ necessary for its fulfilment manifested themselves. The ‘Ones’ were to create the new reality of ‘Oneness’ in a Realm of Duality.’ The greatest test of ‘Oneness’ known to the universe!

The Oneness of Us,  A Creation of Dreams

​The Oneness of Us,
A Creation of Dreams
~Dedicated to the One~
Dr. Hossien Omidi, PhD.
April 15, 2022
     There once was a dream so powerful, so perfect, that it induced its magical spell upon two unsuspecting dreamers at once. Its powerful magic cast a blinding spell simultaneously on the two dreamers on different sides of the world. The magical spell was a ‘universal secret’ kept by the Master of Dreams until the ideal ‘Ones’ necessary for its fulfilment manifested themselves. The ‘Ones’ were to create the new reality of ‘Oneness’ in a Realm of Duality.’ The greatest test of ‘Oneness’ known to the universe!
     The Master had been challenged to reveal His absolute power over all the elemental challenges to ‘Oneness’ which required that He cast the spell upon Himself first. He fell into the deepest sleep unknown to any other. Soon after His dream began, it held the universal secret of a totally new creation capable of creating ‘Oneness’ out of the seemingly impossible. The secrets revealed themselves to the Master Sleeper one by one.
     First, He needed to fully acknowledge that His first universal creation was the realm of duality which reflected the perfect beauty of opposites. In this perfect duality, His power over the limitations were fully revealed. It permitted Him to want to unite total opposites in the new creation of total ‘Oneness.’ A seemingly impossible reality that required a Spell kept secret for millennia. A powerful dream manifested which could not be contained by the Master Dreamer. It released itself into the universe of duality in search of the only two totally opposite and unique entities needed for this new creation.
     Alas, the dream containing the powerful spell beyond all the boundaries in the universe went looking for the ideal subjects which would help release its power. The subjects needed to fulfill the requirement of absolute duality for its magic to work. It meant the subjects must be on the opposite sides of the world. They must possess highly different qualities, known as opposites, in this realm. The subjects only had to possess the power to release the secret of the spell which required them to dream the same dream and awaken from it simultaneously, together! 
     Upon awakening, the dreamers were instantly captured by the magical spell cast by the Master of Dreams. They were the manifestation of the new reality…the Oneness out of the Duality! They awakened to a new self…no longer two but One! Each realized they must pursue their dream spell to fulfill the new reality they, the One now existed in. They were the first and the last to experience such a dimensional shift of existence. They were the only ones who knew all had changed in the universe. They were no longer bound to the duality in the realm of humanity. Their quest to find the perfect One to make them whole began. As in a frenzy, the power of the spell created a huge chaos…like the Big Bang!
     In their inescapable fate, they, no longer two…but One, released the power of the spell they were under into the whole universe in search of each other. Their goal was to make the Oneness whole as the Master desired.  Were they still dreaming, they wondered? No, they were fully awake and somehow knew the other fully!
      Clearly, the creation of the Oneness was a more perfect creation than the creation of Duality they had escaped from.
They understood their Oneness had a greater cause than their desire to find each other…no longer the other but to find themselves as ‘One entity’ fully capable of experiencing their rebirth into the new paradigm available only to them, me…you as One! No one else could understand their joy. How could they? It is an unfathomable concept in the world of duality to experience Oneness. How to proceed without creating everlasting chaos to the others they existed with before the magical spell? How to choose who to love or not to love? How to decide how to unite fully without creating chaos to those already loved and cherished? They wondered as they struggled to find themselves and blend as One.
     They cried out into the world so loudly that their cry resonated around the world. They united at last from the vast distance, in worlds apart. Yet they were One and no longer two souls. They had fulfilled the magical spell, the only one of its kind in the universe. A manifestation of the new reality!
     In the new reality distance and differences did not matter. What to do? They contemplated as One!  Nothing was as before nor mattered as they were no longer subject to the divisions caused by the realm of duality. They had escaped the consuming hopelessness of togetherness in the chaos. They knew they were finally safe and secure in the Oneness that would last for all eternity. It was a glimpse into the meaning of life with all its possibilities. Nothing could ever separate them. Not space, not time, not life, not death nor the human condition.
        It was of critical importance to accept the new reality of Oneness without doubts, fears, anguish, desperation, desires, or any facet of the duality their bodies were present in. They were one but their bodies were still stuck in the realm of opposites. If permitted to conquer them, the spell could possibly be broken, and they would have to wait until they shed their bodies to become fully ‘One’ as they dreamed. Fully awakened now, their Oneness insisted on being whole not just in the new universal concept, but in the realm of humanity still in the old paradigm. They must resist the call to prove duality the winner.
     The duality did not like the superior reality of Oneness. It would test the Oneness fully, yet it would never be capable of destroying it. As duality delights in making reality a seemingly perfect way of existence, it must affect the Oneness to feel all it had left behind…the illusions that kept it ruler of the dual realm. It must challenge the Oneness by exploiting the illusions of distance, separation, space, time as revealed in the world of humanity. Oneness cannot exist if it acknowledges duality! Yet duality cannot destroy Oneness!
     The One was caught in the battle to expound on the reality of eternity. The new Eternal reality was the Master Dreamer’s new creation. Its significance, power and beauty of Eternal Oneness required brave subjects willing to resist all temptation to discredit its perfect beauty. In this world people seek balance due to opposites of time-space, love-hate, truth-falsehood, young-old, life-death, good-bad, right-wrong, up-down, wealth-poverty, all the endless opposites possible to man.
Would the One succumb to its misleading, deceptive illusions?
     Not without great effort and sacrifice! For absolute perfection is not subject to scrutiny, deception nor illusions. It’s Eternal! In the realm of Oneness and absolute perfection, eternity secures its reality forevermore. Once realized, all fear is cast aside and left behind forever. There is no separateness ever! It is the perfection of love, peace, harmony, joy, life in its fullest form. It requires nothing as it is perfect! All else is only an illusion! The illusion creates chaos produced by insecurities, aloneness, unfulfilled desires and dreams, also fears.  The illusion is a trap for those not willing to seek and partake of absolute truth and perfection offered by the Oneness. Once realized, it is inescapable. What a grand design the Master released in His dream! The two were no longer separate, as when captured in the duality. They were free to experience the Oneness with great joy, peace, harmony and immense love only know to them! An Eternity of Happiness awaited. Forever together as One soul, One love, One eternal life in Paradise!  The dreamers awakened to as One in Love with itself! So begins the great mystery of Us, as One!